Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Author : Snyder, Kerala J.
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Snyder, Kerala J.:   From Account Books to Performances: Buxtehude at the Marienkirche in Lübeck. PapersAMSoc 47 (1981), 52
2. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Bach and Buxtehude at the Large Organ. [fs]Fisk (1986), 175-190
3. Snyder, Kerala J.:   To Lübeck in the Steps of J. S. Bach. MTimes 127/1726 (Dec 1986), 672-677
4. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Dietrich Buxtehude: Organist in Lübeck. (1987), xxiii, 551p
5. Snyder, Kerala J.:   To Lübeck in the Steps of J. S. Bach. Bach 20/2 (Summer 1989), 38-48
6. Snyder, Kerala J. (ed.):   The Organist as Scholar: Essays in Memory of Russell Saunders. FestschriftSer 12 (1994), xiii, 297p
7. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Bach, Buxtehude, and the Old Choir library of St. Mary's in Lübeck. [cr]Rostock1990 (1995), 33-47
8. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Chorale Settings in Buxtehude's Vocal Works. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997)
9. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Returned War Booty: a 'New' Manuscript Chorale Book from Lübeck. [p]IATB_Logumkloster (Oct 1999)
10. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Norddeutsche Orgelmusik und Orgelbau um 1700: Dieterich Buxtehude und Arp Schnitger. [p]ISK_Luebeck (Apr 2000)
11. Snyder, Kerala J. (ed.):   The organ as a mirror of its time: North European reflections (1610-2000). [ce]OrganMirrorTime (2002), xvii, 374p
12. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Buxtehude, Schnitger, Bach und die norddeutsche Orgel um 1700. [cr]Lübeck2000 (2002), 101-113
13. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Music for Church and Community: Buxtehude in Lübeck. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic (2006), 78-104
14. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Dieterich Buxtehude. Leben, Werk, Aufführungspraxis. (2007), 581p
15. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Tradition with Variations: Chorale Settings per omnes versus by Buxtehude and Bach. [fs]Leaver65 (2007), 31-50
16. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Oratorio on Five Afternoons: From the Lübeck Abendmusiken to Bach's Christmas Oratorio. [p]ABS_Bethlehem (May 2008)
17. Snyder, Kerala J.:   Oratorio on Five Afternoons: From the Lübeck Abendmusiken to Bach's Christmas Oratorio. BachPerspectives 8 (2011), 69-95
18. Snyder, Kerala Johnson:   Seventeenth-century organ music in eighteenth-century Berlin: Early music in the time of Frederick the Great. KeyboardPerspectives 4 (2011), 115-137

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita